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⚠ This is not a rule.

It's a setting that will be used the rule line-max-len to ignore some lines.

A string giving a regular expression, a RegExp object, or false. If set, lines with names matching the given regular expression are ignored for the line-length rule. For example, lines with long href attributes can be excluded with regex href.

There're two ways to set a value for this config:

  1. If you use the legacy config format(inherited for HTMLLint), this setting will be configured alongside rules.
"line-max-len": 80,
"line-max-len-ignore-regex": "pattern-to-ignore"
  1. If you use the new config format, this setting need to be configured at the root level of the config file.
"line-max-len-ignore-regex": "pattern-to-ignore",
"rules": {
"line-max-len": [true, 80]